понеділок, 23 квітня 2018 р.

8 клас англійська

We can do these not only watching TV or listening to the radio but of course, reading newspapers.
Main part of the lesson.
T. Can you say the name's of Ukrainian newspapers?
P 1  Fakty, Segodnia, Kurjer, Arhumenty i  Fakty, Silski Visti.
T. And what magazines do you know?
P 2 Lisa, Yunaia Lady, Cosmopotitan, Yedinstvennaia.
Work in pairs

(Slide 2)
T. Ask and answer the questions to each other and make up the dialogues.
1. How often do you read newspapers or magazines?
2. What is your favourite newspaper or magazine? Why?
3. Is there anything you don't like reading in the magazines?
4. Do you read newspapers or magazines online? Why/why not?
5. Do you believe what you read?

 Pre-Reading Activity
T. We are going to read the text about the Ukrainian press. But first we'll study some new words and word combinations.
( Slide 3)      
Repeat the words after me and write them into your vocabularies.
an agency - агенство
a press centre -  прес-центр
press services - прес-служба
a bookstall - книжковий кіоск
a contents - зміст
a binding - палітурка
to provide - забезпечувати
to subscribe to - підписуватися
to print - друкувати
While-Reading Activity
T. I propose you to read and translate the text "The Ukrainian Press"(Discover Ukraine 8, p. 73-74). And then your task is to choose which of the sentences (A-H) fits into gaps (1-6). There are two extra sentences you do not need to use.
T. Are you ready? Let's check your task.
Keys: 1D, 2F, 3A, 4H, 5B, 6G, C, E – extra
Post-Reading Activity
T. You must match the words with their definitions.
T. Look through the words and their definitions and write the sentences into your copybooks.
The press
 a) Facts or details that tell you something about situation, person, event;
b) A written or spoken description of a situation or event, giving people the information they need;
A report
c) People who write reports for newspaper, radio and television;
d) Newspapers and magazines which are daily delivered to the houses or you can buy at the bookstalls.

T. We’ll check this task
T. You know that most people of Ukraine read newspapers and magazines regularly.
 Our pupils interviewed some people of different ages and made the presentations.
Let's see and listen to them.
( Slide 4)
P1. The older generation like reading serious socio-political newspapers such as Fakly,
Segodnia, Silski Visti. These newspapers cover the problems of modern life.
They feature articles an economics, industry, agriculture, social life, information about
sports events, comic strips, crosswords, horoscopes.
( Slide 5)
P2. Young people prefer reading magazines. The most popular magazines for girls are Lisa Girl, Yunaia lady, Oops. The feature articles on beauty and fashion, music news,
real-life stories, horoscopes. They also have quizzes, jokes, problem pages.
The boys prefer articles about music, sport.
( Slide 6)
P3. Women's magazines are Natali, Dobryie Soviety, Cosmopolitan, Yedinstvennaia.
They share beauty secrets, fashion trends, recipes for new dishes.
Fashion magazines are full of advertisements and photographs of glamorous models,
there are serious articles.
( Slide 7)
P4. Men in Ukraine prefer to read about cars, sports, fishing, gadgets.
Popular titles include  Automir, Rybalka, Chip.
T. As you see, people are interested in different kinds of information and they can find it
in a variety of newspapers and magazines.
Summing up.
T. Our lesson comes to the end. Today we have spoken a lot about Ukrainian press.
I'm sure, that you have learned a lot of interesting facts about it and the lesson was interesting for you.
( Slide 8)
Your homework for the next lesson will be to write a short story about your favourite
newspaper or magazine. Write 7 sentences.
Include this information:
-The name of the newspaper or magazine.
-How often do you read it?
-Why do you like it.?
-What kind of information it contains?

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